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Gee Elliott

International Women's Day: Leadership and Representation at UNEA

At Eco Brixs we're celebrating International Women's Day. Following our first post written for the day which explores how Climate Change is disproportionally affecting women and how women play a vital part in Eco Brixs' work, this second post carries on that theme, exploring our advocacy work and collaboration with the UN Environment Programme.


It is widely recognised that women are agents of change and when women have equal access to decision-making opportunities, they take more sustainable decisions for example, improved school attendance rates for their children, increased food security, greener mobility patterns and reduced energy demand.

Inclusive and diverse governance has been shown to result in more efficient and long-lasting climate-resilient policies. Indeed, higher female representation in parliament has been shown to lead countries to adopt more stringent climate change policies, which in turn result in lower carbon dioxide emissions.

In April, we will be attending the UN Environmental Assembly in Canada where it is hoped that the landmark international instrument on plastic pollution will become legally binding. We are committed to enhancing inclusivity and creating opportunities where women can contribute to these important policy discussions and as a UN Accredited organisation, we’re thrilled that over half of Eco Brixs’ attendees at UNEA this year will be women.

If you want to find out more about the women at Eco Brixs, you can read some of the individual stories of plastic collectors on our website.

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