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Coming Soon: 'Plastic Action' and how you can help us make Eco-Products like these

Andy Teale

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

By taking 'Plastic Action' you can help us develop our range of Eco-Products and more!


Would you like to offset your plastic usage and help build a circular economy in Uganda?

At Eco Brixs HQ, we're gearing up to launch a new programme that will allow people and businesses to join us in building a circular economy - putting an end to plastic waste.

On 1st July, as part of Plastic Free July, we will be launching 'Plastic Action', which offers our supporters the chance to offset their plastic usage.

For each kilogram of plastic you offset through Plastic Action, this will support the equivalent amount of plastic being recycled in Uganda. The average person produces 50kg of plastic waste per year, and this initiative represents a practical opportunity to ensure you're recycling at least the amount of plastic you use (or even better - more!).

And by offsetting with us you'll be doing far more than just 'canceling out' your own plastic usage. Your offset will help support:

  • Our Collection Network and Plastic Collectors - you'll literally be creating jobs in Uganda!

  • The development of our Eco-Products, from Pavers to Face Shields, as demonstrated by Dan in the video above.

  • Our sustainability by helping to grow our closed-loop model. This means even more plastic being recycled in the long run!

Two ladies in Masaka, Uganda sorting plastic so it can be recycled into Eco-Products

As well as helping to develop the Eco Brixs model in Uganda and put an end to plastic waste, you'll also be joining a very special community. Through the Plastic Action Community, we'll share tips and advice to help you steadily reduce your plastic consumption.

After all, we don't just want you to offset your plastic consumption and stop there - we want everyone to also aim to reduce their plastic usage to a point where we can all live in a safe and sustainable world, where plastic is no longer a problem and threat to the planet.

Plastic Action Logo for Plastic Offsetting

For a special sneak-peek of our new programme, Plastic Action, you check out our the new website prior to launch on 1st July, here.

And if you'd like to see more of the work that your offset can support, you can explore more of what Eco Brixs does here.




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